Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Rapidly Setting Up A Development PC with Chocolatey

This is an update to my earlier post:

To rapidly setup a development PC.

Install Chocolately

Create InstallApp.bat

Create a batch file that will install individual applications called InstallApp.bat

echo *******************************************************************************
echo %1 is installing now !
echo *******************************************************************************
cinst %1 -y --allow-empty-checksums --ignore-checksum

Create DesktopInstall.bat

Create a batch file called DesktopInstall.bat that will install individual applications with InstallApp.bat.  Add REM before any entry you don't want.

REM Media
call InstallApp
call InstallApp picpick.portable

call InstallApp firefox
call InstallApp googlechrome

REM Video Conferencing and Messaging
call InstallApp microsoft-teams.install
call InstallApp slack

REM Utilities
call InstallApp 7zip
call InstallApp filezilla
call InstallApp chocolateygui
call InstallApp winmerge
call InstallApp putty.install

REM Developer Tools before Visual Studio
call InstallApp expresso
call InstallApp git.install
call InstallApp tortoisegit
call InstallApp markdownmonster
call InstallApp postman
call InstallApp nugetpackageexplorer

call InstallApp vscode.install
call InstallApp vscode-prettier
call InstallApp vscode-eslint

REM Node
call InstallApp nodejs.install

REM Visual Studio 2019
call InstallApp visualstudio2019community
call InstallApp visualstudio2019-workload-netweb

REM Visual Studio 2022
call InstallApp visualstudio2022community
call InstallApp visualstudio2022-workload-netweb