Friday, July 19, 2024

Running .NET Core Tests and collecting coverage with Azure Pipelines

Installing Coverlet

Coverlet is an open source project that produces code coverage reports.

In Visual Studio install the coverlet.collector and coverlet.msbuild NuGet package.

nuget install coverlet.collector

nuget install coverlet.msbuild

Running Coverlet Locally

dotnet test /p:CollectCoverage=true

Viewing Coverage in Visual Studio

This Visual Studio 2022 extension allows you to view coverage line by line and as a summary

Defining the Azure Pipeline

Using the wizard follow the steps below.

Use the .NET Core SDK

Select the .NET Core SDK appropriate for your project.

Perform a .NET Restore

A restore will download the Nuget packages for your project.

Perform a .NET Build

Run the Tests

Ensure to define the arguments to collect coverage

Publish the Code Coverage

Task version 1 will be deprecated. See this post from Microsoft:

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